Improving the quality of life

Viscum album (Mistletoe) has been used in complementary cancer care for more than 100 years. The use of the Viscum album in dogs, cats, and horses has been expanding rapidly in Europe over the past 25 years and is gaining popularity in North America and other countries. Effective and safe, Viscum album or also called Mistletoe is a semi-parasitic plant that was originally introduced for the treatment of cancer in humans in the 1920’s by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophic medicine. It was already used by the Celtics in the past as the“all healer” and it started with the tradition in human therapy. Clinically, mistletoe has been found to work equally well for the animals.It has significant beneficial effects on quality of life, tolerance to conventional treatments, the immune function, and overall survival. It can be used at any stage of the cancer journey, from post-surgical to palliative care.The primary goal of the Viscum album therapy for tumour diseases is to improve and maintain the quality of life of the affected animals. Many pets, especially dogs,can show a rapid improvement in their general condition during the therapy, with deeper relaxed sleep and an improved appetite. Older animals are often more active on their daily walks. Tumour-related pain and the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment can be reduced. At the same time the immune system can be strengthened. In some animals,a retardation of the tumour growth has been observed up to the growth stagnation. If a cure for cancer is no longer possible, Viscum therapy is used as palliative care to alleviate the disease symptoms.
It is a special part of our mission to support you and your pet on this journey.
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Gisela Novaes
Holistic Veterinarian - Certified Canine Myo Manipulative Functional Therapist
Dr. Gisela Novaes is a holistic veterinarian, with a master degree in homeopathic medicine and graduated in anthroposophic medicine educated back in Brazil. She has always been passionate about natural medicine and animals. Looking for more supportive care for cancer patients she started studying the Viscum album or Mistletoe therapy. She used Viscum album in private practice as well as in clinical research setting for more than 20 years before relocating to Canada 7 years ago with her family including a golden retriever and a senior cat that lived until she turned 21 years old. She is one of the world's experts on the topic of the Viscum album in holistic veterinary medicine. She has been working on education on the subject giving courses, webinars and consultation to holistic veterinarians and pet owners world around.